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Spine Articles

Osteoporosis and Diabetes Linked

Vancouver Disc Centers finds it interesting that an old test like the DEXA scan has a new purpose. It can check for osteoporosis risk and diabetes risk!

Vancouver Chiropractic Scoliosis Screening

Vancouver Disc Centers is on top of all things spine-related in youths and adults! Vancouver Disc Centers shares the new scoliosis screening guidelines that may alert Vancouver parents to a spine curvature their kids may have.

Vancouver Chiropractic Considers Sarcopenia

Vancouver Disc Centers takes into account the effect sarcopenia may have on our older chiropractic patients and encourages exercise to strengthen their spine supporting muscles.

Pregnancy- Related Osteoporosis Affects the Spine

Vancouver pregnant women trust Vancouver Disc Centers’s spinal care! When they visit, Vancouver Disc Centers looks out for new persistent back pain complaints which may point to vertebral fractures related to osteoporosis.